
Latest insights regarding sustainable materials and our developments

Jun 10
Promateris is awarded the IFS HPC Certification
We are thrilled to announce that we have been awarded the IFS HPC (International Featured Standards for Household and Personal Care) certification.
Jun 10
Carbon emissions reduced by 500 tons in 9 months
In the nine months since installing solar panels, Promateris has reduced carbon emissions by 510,086 kg, which is equivalent to the annual emissions of 112.45 cars.
Apr 17
Powering Sustainability: Green Packaging Initiative
Promateris shines brighter with solar energy, slashing carbon footprint.
Nov 1
Promateris posts a turnover of EUR 27.2 MIL in Q3 2022
Promateris consolidates its growth and reports a turnover of EUR 27.7 MIL in the first nine months of the year, with a slight upward trend compared to the same period of the previous year.
Sep 30
Shareholder Structure Changes
Promateris announces a shareholder change and welcomes among its shareholders - Pavăl Holding, the most representative investment vehicle on the local market.
Aug 24
Promateris posts a turnover of 18 million euros in H1 2022
Promateris consolidates its 2021 growth and reports a consolidated turnover of 18 million euros in the first six months of the year, EBITDA of 2,4 million euros and an EBITDA margin of 13.4%.
May 25
Promateris is awarded an EEA and Norway grant
Promateris was awarded a new grant from EEA & Norway Grants within the "Green energy for bio-based and compostable packaging production" project. Promateris develops the project in partnership with the Norwegian company Norsk Energi.
Mar 30
Promateris joins UN Global Compact and publishes its sustainability results for 2021
Promateris announces joining the United Nations Global Compact, the world's largest corporate sustainability initiative. At the same time, Promateris publishes the ESG report for 2021
Feb 28
2021 results: 129% EBITDA increase
Promateris reports a consolidated turnover of 37.8 million euros in 2021, up 62% from the same period last year. The group recorded a consolidated EBITDA of over 6 million euros, 129% increase compared to 2021.
Dec 30
2021. Year in Review
Promateris plans to increase compostable packaging production by 40% in 2022, thus consolidating its position as a regional leader in Central and Eastern Europe.
Dec 14
Promateris joins Circular Economy Coalition
We are happy to become the newest member joining the Coalition for Circular Economy (C.E.R.C.). The coalition's mission is to accelerate the transition to a sustainable and resource-efficient economy.
Nov 15
Q3 2021 results: 66% growth in turnover
The group, including the distribution company Biodeck, recorded a consolidated EBITDA of over 4 million euros, 112% more compared to the first nine months of 2020.
Nov 11
Electric UP Grant for Green Energy Transition
Promateris announces being awarded the Electric Up grant, of EUR 100.000. This is the first step in the transition to the switch to using renewable energy in the production process.
Jun 24
Promateris finalizes 2.5 million euro investment in the production of compostable packaging
On June 23rd 2021, Promateris held a press conference marking the completion of a new round of investments in the Buftea factory, in the total amount of 2.5 million euro.
May 18
23% growth at the end of Q1 2021
Promateris Group has ended the first quarter of 2021 with EUR 7.1 million in consolidated sales, a growth of 23% compared to the same period of last year. Such growth is mainly a result of an expanding portfolio of bio-based and compostable products, as well as an ever-developing network of clients.
Apr 12
Promateris awarded an EEA & Norway Grant
Promateris has initiated an investment project of a new division, Bio Compounds, which aims to locally manufacture raw materials from partially renewable resources, used in the production of compostable packaging.
Mar 2
Promateris Group reports 39% increase in sales
The Promateris Group closes 2020 with EUR 23.7 million in consolidated sales, an increase of 39% compared to the previous year. The growth is largely generated by the increase in production of biodegradable and compostable packaging. Promateris thus strengthens its position as a regional leader by developing distribution channels in Central and Eastern Europe, in countries such as Greece, Poland, Hungary.
Dec 11 Article
The company with the largest production capacity in Central and Eastern Europe dedicated to compostable bio-based packaging, occupies the leading position in the market, which implies the possibility to make economies of scale and offer a very good price-quality ratio
Dec 11
Start Up Article
Plastic in (not) fantastic. How Romanian company Promateris reinvented itself as a pioneer by switching to bio-plastic
Dec 3
Business Magazin Article
The Romanian producer that chose sustainability as a business strategy. What changes will this bring to the Romanian company, but also to the industry?
Nov 16
Retail & FMCG Article
The regional leader in the production of bio-based and compostable packaging takes a natural step in its evolution, adopting a new visual identity for the company, a new business model and a new name to present the company's values - Promateris.
Nov 10
Ziarul Financiar Article
Promateris plans to invest EUR 7 million in a new sustainable packaging factory in Crevedia, Dâmboviţa County, Romania.
Feb 21
Sustainability Plan of the Year Award
We are happy to announce that Biodeck was the winner of the Sustainability Plan of the Year award offered by Business Review.
Feb 21
Sustainable solutions to reduce the environmental impact
There was a time when we had the option not to consider the environmental impact we have.
Feb 21
Organic waste management
The CEE Member States now face the same obligations as their western counterparts in terms of waste management